dimanche 1 février 2009



Metz a été classée 39e ville à visiter en 2009 par le Times.

Les cons, ils ont même pas parlé du blog le plus cool du monde, premier sur les chroniques, les jeux de mots fulgurants et le bon goût indiscutable.

Premier, car j'ai une réputation de connard prétentieux à défendre. Premier, car j'accepte la critique et les crachats dans la gueule avec le même sourire en coin et ce petit majeur tendu bien dissimulé au fond de la poche de mon blouson en jean. Les mecs qui prennent ce qu'ils gribouillent au sérieux (me suis encore gentiment mangé la gueule avec un de ces spécimens y'a pas longtemps) me motivent. Plus que jamais, ce sont eux qui me donnent envie de continuer à écrire. Je suis premier grâce à eux.

Grâce à toi aussi, qui sait lire entre les lignes et apprécier les quelques conneries dissimulées dans ces avis de pseudo-journaliste. On se marre bien, non ? J'espère que je te fatigue pas trop pour l'instant.

Ah oui, je fête mon deuxième abonné ! Merci Ocinatas ! Si j'habitais à Paris (Dieu m'en préserve), on se croiserait probablement régulièrement aux concerts que tu organises.

Bon sinon, comme d'habitude, si t'as envie d'envoyer un ou plusieurs disques, l'adresse reste la même :

Peace, love and Laphroaig,

Buddy Satan X Noir Fluo

PS : on est dimanche, je décuve, je me suis pas relu

12XU Démo K7

OK, l’influence WIRE est évidente. J’y retrouve également un petit quelque chose des ZOUNDS dans les mélodies et certains riffs de gratte. Sans oublier la touche fraîcheur French emo. Les types sortent pas de PETRON pour rien. Je serais même tenté de trouver une ressemblance avec les SALES MAJESTES dans le chant. Haha, désolé les mecs, c’est de votre faute aussi, à force de vous foutre de la gueule de notre patrimoine local (le punk messin), je me sens obligé de vous rendre la pareille ! Bon, trêve de plaisanterie. Cette démo est beaucoup trop courte car ces morceaux sont beaucoup trop bons. Je sais pas, faut sortir un LP là tout de suite et me faire le même coup que THE ESTRANGED. Parce que y’a le potentiel pour faire quelque chose de grand. Vous vous en rendez compte, hein ? La reprise de Neil Young est mortelle, les textes sont tip-top comme d’hab’. Bref, démerdez-vous comme vous voulez mais dépêchez-vous ! (DIY) weare12xu.blogspot.com

A.S.T.R.O. From My Window CD-R

A.S.T.R.O. ou l’histoire d’un groupe qui redonne ses lettres de noblesse à un genre qui a bien mauvaise presse depuis quelques années, le screamo. Remballe tes riffs pseudo métal à deux balles, ici les six-cordes te causent le vrai diabolisme électrique, celui hérité d’ORCHID et de ses inspirateurs (URANUS, DRIFT, ACME, SYSTRAL, t’entends ??) sans oublier ce petit côté JOSHUA FIT FOR BATTLE qui leur sied à merveille. Ouais, Valentin c’est un peu le Robert Johnson de l’Île-de-France, ses doigts sont putain d’evil. Bref. J’aime ce groupe pour plein de raisons que je vais pas énumérer mais si en fait et sans les détails parce que sinon ça va prendre de la place : la musique est cool (ok, je l’ai dit quinze fois déjà), elle est faite par des types encore plus cools (putain mais ouais) qui ont tout compris au DIY (contrairement à la plupart des groupes ricains qui le font juste pour se la péter) et en plus de ça c’est la vraie déboîte en live (la seule différence avec ORCHID c’est que les gens connaissent pas les morceaux d’A.S.T.R.O. par cœur, et merde c’est vraiment une honte). Alors si je dois garder qu’un seul groupe de skramz ce sera eux et personne d’autre (non, même pas machin de Rochester ou bidule de Boston dont j’en ai strictement rien à carrer), surtout avec un tube aussi énorme que The Link. Ouep, gros FAVORI (et je parle pas seulement de Valentin huhu humour tout pourri je ferme ma bouche). (Happy Hang) www.myspace.com/myastro


Chroniquer un disque du GOAT est la chose la plus compliquée qui soit. Parce qu’hormis verser dans l’hystérie dithyrambique à chaque sortie, je ne vois pas quoi dire d’autre. C’est vrai, putain. J’entretiens un rapport tellement intime avec sa musique (gros pervers, ce n’est pas ce que tu crois). J’ai pu observer l’évolution, les remises en question et les décisions qui ont amené Julien à accoucher de ce nouvel opus. Je ne donnerai cependant pas dans le gossip et l’anecdote, ça ne sert strictement à rien. Je vais simplement souligner à nouveau quelque chose qui me paraît essentiel pour comprendre la portée de son œuvre : la musique d’AUSTRASIAN GOAT, aussi extrême et érudite soit-elle, est capable de toucher au cœur n’importe quel être vivant sur cette planète. Ouais. Sa beauté est universelle. Je pourrais écrire un bouquin sur ce disque (comme sur les précédents), te dire que l’artwork défonce, que le travail sonore est encore plus abouti, que le piano tient une place prépondérante et digresser sur d’autres œuvres qui sont chères à mes yeux, parler de la démarche pure et sans compromis du bonhomme, bref faire comme tout bon journaliste qui se respecte : s’en tenir aux faits. Ben voilà. Le meilleur disque de 2009, sans conteste. FAVORI (Burning World) www.theaustrasiangoat.com


On est heureusement ici loin du black métal pour lecteur de Noise. Point de propreté clinique et d’ésotérisme à lunettes. Ouf. Terreur, haine et satanisme au programme. Yeah. Ces Brésiliens fantasment le soleil glacé de Norvège, la mort et le chaos. Le métal noir selon BEHALF FIEND est certes primitif mais loin d’être bête (en témoigne ce magnifique Witches de clôture) tandis que celui de VERSOS MIRIADES tape dans un gothisme mélodique qui ferait presque froid dans le dos si je n’étais pas déjà habitué à ce genre de traitement (CELTIC FROST, yup). Au niveau du son, l’approximation règne, mais franchement on s’en branle royal. Très bon split, avec une petite préférence pour les seconds. (Demon’s Pride) demonsprideprod@hotmail.com


Plein de bonnes choses dans cette démo. Des influences qui renvoient aux glorieuses 60’s (THEM, THE ANIMALS, Dylan) ainsi qu’à la pop anglaise actuelle (THE VIEW, THE LIBERTINES). Une énergie frappante et une sincérité indéniable qui transpirent à l’écoute de ces neuf titres. Ces jeunes gens semblent aussi bien à l’aise avec le rock racé et frondeur que la ballade piano/gratte sèche. Cool. Y’a aussi, malheureusement, pas mal de lacunes dans l’exécution (au niveau rythmique, notamment), les morceaux sont trop longs (merde, faut aller à l’essentiel) et j’ai parfois eu du mal à me concentrer sur le chant sans avoir envie de pouffer de rire (accent anglais improbable et le sentiment que le frontman a enregistré certaines de ses prises sur le pot). Voilà. La bonus track est excellente, c’est con, pourquoi ne pas en avoir écrit plus, des chansons comme ça ? (DIY) www.myspace.com/thebigblackboots

BLACK JESUS He Who Ain't With Me Is Against Me CD-R

Y’a de plus en plus de gens qui m’écrivent pour me dire que mes chroniques les font rire, et qui me joignent dans leur courrier un disque de leur groupe afin de paraître sur le blog et dans le zine. Je sais pas s’ils se foutent de ma gueule, hein. Mais c’est cool. BLACK JESUS, bon nom. Je connaissais pas avant de recevoir cette démo. Je sais pas d’où ils viennent. Un des mecs a un t-shirt BLACK FLAG, et son pote d’à côté ressemble à Adam Horowitz. Marrant. Leur zik de branleurs explore le versant californien de la chose, CIRCLE JERKS et TSOL en tête de gondole. Les morceaux les plus rapides m’évoquent les OFFENDERS. Hardcore punk du soleil era 1982, par là. Les textes ont l’air de bien délirer aussi (Metalheadbanging On My Dick, White Rasta, Prince Of Darkness), dommage qu’ils ne soient pas inclus dans la pochette. Voilà, un disque cool et sans prétention. (DIY) www.myspace.com/blackjesus

THE BORING The Masquerade CD

BETTER THAN A THOUSAND et BANE avec un petit soupçon de MINOR THREAT (normal). Bon, y’a encore quelques merdouilles au niveau de l’exécution (le batteur raccroche, deux/trois riffs manquant d’inspiration, certains chœurs limites) mais dans l’ensemble THE BORING (nom pas du tout approprié) s’en sort avec plus que les honneurs. J’ai pas entendu beaucoup de groupes de hardcore posi français aussi énergiques et humbles, disposant de textes intelligents et d’un sens mélodique aiguisé. Donc ouais, direct dans le top 5 du genre. Les GUERILLA POUBELLE feraient bien de les faire apparaître sur une de leurs compiles en lieu et place de toutes ces merdes mélos peu inspirés dont ils nous gavent habituellement. (DIY) www.myspace.com/theboring

CERCUEIL Ghost Get Toasted LP

J’ai toujours du mal à causer correctement d’un disque quand je l’ai trop écouté. C’est le cas avec ce premier LP de CERCUEIL. Merde, je le connais tellement par cœur… Je vais quand même pas me rabaisser à réécrire leur bio ? Non, t’es fou ou quoi ? T’as juste besoin de savoir que c’est de la bonne came, du genre à hanter tes veines nuit et jour jusqu’à la fin des temps… Les arrangements électroniques sont à la fois glaciaux et organiques, rampants et majestueux, tous entiers dévoués à la mise en valeur de cette voix de sirène cristalline et décharnée, véritable moteur hypnotique et obsédant de ce disque. Juste magnifique. Artwork explosif, reprise de James Brown. Bref, FAVORI (Label Brasseuse) www.cercueil.org


Putain, et dire qu’il y a un peu plus de deux ans, Louis jouait devant cinq personnes à l’Elixir. Qui en avait quelque chose à battre à l’époque, du CHAPELIER FOU ? A Metz, quasiment personne, et ailleurs encore moins. Aujourd’hui, Louis blinde l’Emile Vache et performe dans toutes les plus grandes SMAC de France et de Navarre, participe au Printemps de Bourges et aux Eurockéennes avec un succès sans cesse renouvelé. Aujourd’hui, tout le monde est son ami. Avant que tout ce bordel ne lui tombe sur le coin de la gueule, nous étions supposés, avec Wondernoise, lui sortir un quatre titres. C’était un projet qui nous tenait à cœur mais je suppose qu’on peut désormais se le carrer bien profond. C’est pas bien grave. Louis mérite tout ce qu’il lui arrive. Sa musique est un don du ciel qui réchauffe le cœur, le corps et l’esprit. (Ici d’Ailleurs) www.myspace.com/chapelierfou


CORDE BREVE est un concept. Le duo bordelais met en musique des poésies d’auteurs parfois obscurs du XIXe siècle. Décrit comme ça, ça donne pas envie. Et pourtant. Le groupe évite l’écueil de l’intellectualisme bobo à deux boules pour offrir au monde un disque aventureux, gracieux, beau, plaisant. Bref, une réussite sur toute la ligne. Mes deux nouveaux amis ont l’intelligence de ne pas seulement illustrer ces écrits en gratouillant comme des souris défoncées à la colle mais bien en composant de jolies pépites folk américaine, n’hésitant même pas à dépasser les frontières de la pop pour nous délivrer un tube magistral (Il Pleure Dans Mon Cœur, de Verlaine). Bon, si le chant en français, les guitares sèches, les voix féminines et les albums de France Cartigny te laissent de marbre, autant passer à la chronique suivante. Mais je compte sur ta curiosité naturelle et ton ouverture d’esprit gigantesque pour laisser une chance à CORDE BREVE (putain, quel nom). Le disque ne sort qu’en avril, merde on commence enfin à me prendre au sérieux. (Vicious Circle) www.viciouscircle.fr

THE CURE 4 :13 Dreams DoLP

¼ de Pornography + ¼ du S/t + ½ de Bloodflowers = cet album qui aurait pu être aussi magique que le précédent. L’est pas catastrophique non plus, du moins pas comme ils l’ont dit dans la presse. Mais quand la diaspora se décide à aligner une de ses victimes, elle n’y va pas de main morte. Bref, ces treize rêveries feront l’affaire en attendant le prochain. (Geffen) www.thecure.com

DEATH TO PIGS La Horse 10’

Bon, faut arrêter les polémiques stériles avec leur artwork. Celui de l’album de BLIND FAITH était bien pire. Révolution chez les Nancéens, quatre textes sont imprimés sur l’insert. La vache !! Décadence à fond la caisse, moins de rock’n’roll, un poil plus de bruit. Ils se rapprochent dangereusement d’EX-MODELS et ce n’est certainement pas pour me déplaire. Reprise des BRAINBOMBS en face B. Tu sais, le groupe à la mode qui a influencé AH KRAKEN. Bon disque. (Down Boy/213/Bande Noire) www.213records.com

DESIGN A WAVE Zeitgeist Correctional Facility CD-R

Nouvel épisode de la série des polaroïds conçus avec amour par la petite RAYMONDE HOWARD. DESIGN A WAVE, c’est Tom de CHECKHUDDERSFAX en solo. Le gazier semble être passé maître dans l’art de la conception d’hymnes à la danse froide, même lorsque ceux-ci durent près de dix-huit minutes (le titre d’ouverture). Il empile les sons et les rythmes avec une facilité aussi déconcertante qu’il tient l’auditeur en haleine. Old school et fun as fuck. KRAFTWERK et P.I.L. sont évoqués à demi-mots. La new wave minimaliste des années 80 n’est jamais bien loin non plus. Bref, je trouve ça über cool. Sortie aussi audacieuse qu’intéressante, vivement la suite ! (Angry Ballerina) angryballerina.free.fr

DESPISE YOU West Side Horizons LP

La vie est belle. J’ai un travail qui me plaît, j’habite avec l’amour de ma vie, la discographie de DESPISE YOU est enfin sortie en LP. Merci à Ivan le Macédonien pour son joli boulot. Un peu cheap mais le principal est là. Soixante-deux tueries powerviolentes, chants mixtes destructeurs, reprises de POSSESSED, DRI, CIRCLE JERKS et BEOWULF. Bel artwork à l’intérieur du gatefold. Je regrette juste que les textes soient difficilement lisibles. Mais la vie est belle quand même. (Fuck You) www.hellmilitia.com


Un autre groupe de Metz que je ne connaissais pas et qui sort là ce deuxième LP. Trio garage qui n’hésite pas à injecter du psyché, de la dance et de la pop dans son merdier. Influences revendiquées : 13TH FLOOR ELEVATORS, FLIPPER et MC5. Je rajouterais les COUNTDOWNS, parce qu’hormis la voix (psyché et réverbérée, comme dans le titre), ça y ressemble vraiment. Petit côté surf pas dégueu parfois (Fetish Action) voire même post-punk (le très GANG OF FOUR Radio Hit, qui porte bien son nom). Disque vraiment cool dans l’ensemble, y’a de bons tubes qui se révèlent au fil des écoutes mais je vais leur faire cependant le même reproche qu’à leurs potes des BIG BLACK BOOTS : vos morceaux sont trop longs, les mecs. Ou alors allez droit au but et pétez cinq titres par face. Bon, hormis ce détail qui ne gênera que moi, c’est du tout bon hein. (Electrophone) www.myspace.com/lithiumforyou


Si Cyril Lignac chroniquait des disques de noise au lieu de se la jouer « Paul Bocuse chez les Beaufs », il dirait probablement de ce Born Pregnant que c’est « un truc de malade ». Malade comme chez RUPTURE, BRAINBOMBS, JESUS LIZARD et THROBBING GRISTLE. Ou Albert Fish. Bref, un truc dangereux qui file le cancer à son écoute. (Parts Unknown) www.myspace.com/drunkdriverusa


Projet d’un seul homme, Gael Le Billan, cette Cata Marrante est un disque ambitieux qu’il va m’être difficile de résumer en quelques lignes. Donc je vais faire comme j’ai l’habitude (et comme tu aimes me lire), c'est-à-dire avec des phrases courtes presque sans verbe et des références qui ne feront écho que dans mon subconscient malade. Parfois je pense à du bon Lavilliers (sans tout le folklore reggae), parfois aussi à du BEATLES qui aurait survécu aux années 70, souvent à du Gainsbourg rêveur. J’écoute. Je tente de saisir ce qui m’échappe. La musique de Gael n’est pas aussi simple et évidente qu’elle n’en a l’air. J’écoute. Je commence à comprendre. Qu’il n’y a rien à comprendre. Mais j’aime beaucoup ce que j’entends. Les cinquante idées à la seconde. La théâtralité intrinsèque de ces treize pièces. Le blues, les récits de voyage, le piano qui s’emballe, le jazz saoul et le whisky qui ne demande qu’à être bu. Plus je me le passe, plus je suis fasciné. Il y a encore quelques années, j’aurais envoyé ce disque valser avec les paquets de clopes vides dans ma poubelle. Aujourd’hui, je me cale dans mon fauteuil, un verre à la main, et je tends l’oreille pour essayer de capter les subtilités qui m’auraient échappé lors des premières écoutes. Merde, faut y aller pour qu’un disque chanté en français me captive à ce point. Merci Gael. (DIY) www.myspace.com/quivapiano

GENERAL LEE Hannibal Ad Portas CD

Les mecs, je crois qu’il faut arrêter les frais de suite là. Le hardcore métal fou fou d’il y a trois ans, ça n’avait rien donné. Le hardcore métal chiant et dépressif d’aujourd’hui, ça ne donne rien non plus. En plus de CULT OF LUNA, j’ai parfois l’impression d’écouter BOTCH en 78 tours (Tyrant, flagrant). Torture. Tiens, hier je lisais la chronique de ce disque dans le dernier Noise et je me disais que, pour une fois, j’étais d’accord avec son auteur (Bil, le type dont le pseudo est aussi ridicule que sa plume est, lol, assassine). Comme quoi, tout arrive. (Basement Apes) www.basementapesind.com

Deep Gems CD

That joke isn’t funny anymore. (Italians Do It Better) www.myspace.com/glasscandy


C’est marrant, le premier morceau me fait penser à du hardcore joué sans guitare électrique ni batterie ni basse. Non, je n’ai rien pris ce matin. Les GUEULES D’AMINCHE font de la chanson (avec un nom pareil, quoi de moins étonnant), gratte sèche + accordéon + une voix plaintive dégageant plus d’émotion que n’importe quel ersatz post-AMERICAN NIGHTMARE. Si tu veux mon avis de newbie, je trouve ça carrément cool. Je te le dis, tout arrive. (DIY) www.myspace.com/gueulesdaminche

HATEFUL ABANDON Famine (Or Into The Bellies Of Worms) CD

Ca a le toucher et l’odeur du black métal, ça y ressemblerait presque si on n’avait pas déjà essayé de nous la faire mais ça n’en est pas du tout. Bon, la dynamique est noire, tout comme le sont les mélodies et certaines vocalises, très SHINING dans l’esprit. Mais l’ensemble sonne majoritairement comme de la bonne dark cold wave des familles. Les guitares sont belles et tristes, le son est glacial, entouré d’un épais brouillard fantômatique, évoquant aussi bien BURZUM que BAUHAUS, THEATRE OF HATE ou JOSEF K. Le mélange est intéressant, vraiment. Je n’en viens pas encore à crier au génie (on se calme et on boit frais, les mecs) mais j’avoue, y’a un truc, quelque chose dans l’air, un goût de reviens-y. (Todestrieb) www.myspace.com/hatefulabandon

JULLIAN ANGEL Life Was The Answer CD

Il faisait beau dehors, pourtant. (Another) www.another-record.com


On sent beaucoup l’influence de 31KNOTS dans la musique des français de KOMANDANT COBRA. Celle d’HAL AL SHEDAD aussi, même si plus diffuse. On note également une discipline rythmique typiquement noise, limite martiale (un petit côté AGHOSTINO croisé avec BAXTERS, french touch quoi). Ca file droit, pas un pet de travers. Je regrette cette absence de folie, perso. L’exécution clinique tranche avec l’émotivité de la voix. KOMANDANT COBRA fait souffler le chaud et le froid. Comme pour l’artwork, d’ailleurs (la beauté du babouin contre la banalité de la police). D’ailleurs, je m’en rappelle comme si c’était hier. Je collectionnais les points cadeaux au dos des emballages GI Joe dans le but de pouvoir m’offrir le chef des méchants. Je me souviens avoir attendu au moins trois mois avant de le recevoir dans ma boîte à lettres, un bras en moins. Mais bon, je vais pas rejeter la faute d’un souvenir traumatique enfantin sur les KOMANDANT COBRA, ils n’ont rien demandé et n’y sont finalement pour rien. Avec un blase aussi classe, je leur souhaite en tout cas une carrière proche de celle de leur modèle de Portland, c'est-à-dire beaucoup d’albums, de tournées et une évolution dans le bon sens. (Kithybong) kythibong.free.fr


Vlà un bon groupe qui sort un plutôt bon disque. Ca plairait bien à mes copains d’AGHOSTINO et de BEESWAX, pour situer. La tension de FUGAZI et la pop de BLUETIP, avec un chant mixte qui le fait bien, sauf quand le mec tire un peu trop sur ses cordes vocales. Heureusement, il ne le fait pas souvent. La zik est cool sans être renversante, y’a même quelques petits tubes de derrière les fagots (Who’s Gonna Save The Boys, Find A Way To Justice, Mystery Plan) et les textes sont bien écrits. Bon, y’a toujours ce satané problème d’accent (voir chronique suivante) qui me gave grave (répète le, pour voir). Voilà voilà, c’est l’ami Tamagawa qui sort le disque sur son label Mayo, attention il écoute les STONES et mange des enfants. (Mayo) www.myspace.com/lasecondavolta


Du punk-rock de dentiste. Les types jouent avec des fraises. D’où le son gencive-unfriendly. Chant féminin hystérique et muret du son. Derrière ces artefacts américano-japonais (GAUZE, CONFUSE, CONSUME, ATROCIOUS MADNESS) se cache un petit côté pop que je dois probablement être le seul à déceler et à apprécier. Bon, si je déplore encore un manque certain de puissance par rapport à ses illustres modèles, je commence doucement à trouver ce Near Dark carrément bon au fil des écoutes. Un peu le même effet Kiss Ghoul qu’avec le dernier SEX/VID, d’ailleurs. Sorti sur Wicked Witch, comme c’est étonnant ! (Wicked Witch) www.burnoutzine.net


Blues moderne et tellurique en provenance du sud de la France. Fils illégitime du grand Tom. Un rejeton de plus à compulser. Si j’apprécie ce que j’entends, je crains ne pas pouvoir supporter plus de quelques minutes le chant et sa diction. Si tu as la prétention de t’exprimer dans une langue autre que la tienne, prends au moins le temps de travailler ton accent. Parce que là, ça gâche vraiment tout. (Nova Express) www.novaexpressrecords.com


C’est une blague ? Prochain album sur Crash Disques ou chez Guerilla Asso, au choix. (DIY) www.myspace.com/lesmariesalope


Le clin d’oeil à SATANIC SURFERS ne t’aura pas échappé. Celui à Parker Lewis Can’t Lose non plus. Sortie de ces habiles références, la musique du quatuor s’avère on ne peut plus nostalgique d’une époque où les révélations de Revelation (GARRISON, FARSIDE et autres BY A THREAD) constituaient le haut du panier en matière de tendance trendy. Une trame de base malheureusement entachée par un passé de keupon mélodique (rigor mortis rythmique, double voix insupportables) et un sens de la composition qui veut clairement en faire trop. Sitôt écouté, sitôt oublié. Dommage. Point positif : y’a un haut-fourneau sur la pochette. (Truffle Shuffle) www.myspace.com/mikeyrandall

MIND ERASER Conscious/Unconscious LP

Nouveau long, nouveau carton. Nouveau monstre de tension. Fusion bouillonnante de powerviolence, de hardcore punk malsain, de métal scandinave et de sludge doom marécageux. Avec une description pareille, on sent poindre le buzz chez les webzineux. Surtout que le disque est sorti sur Clean Plate, le label de Will ex-ORCHID blah blah blah. Ah merde, j’oubliais que les types préféraient écouter de la musique sur Myspace. Bon c’est pas bien grave, quel que soit le support on se retrouve toujours avec la même équation : deux morceaux + deux faces = deux tueries. Le buzz est finalement justifié. Et le groupe est aussi bon que le cocktail du même nom. (Clean Plate) www.myspace.com/minderaserhc


Finalement, X n’était pas un si mauvais disque. (EMI) www.kylie.com


Mononoise. Monoface. MONOSOURCIL. Monocéphale. Je ne suis pas plus fan que ça de ce disque. Le bruit blanc émis par mes enceintes rappelle méchamment SIGHTINGS, THE HOSPITALS et ARAB ON RADAR. Monocorde. Monotone. C’est dommage, y’avait du potentiel. Prochaine fois, peut-être. (Gaffer/Down Boy/Steak Au Zoo) www.myspace.com/monosourcil


La scène « emo » à Metz se réduit à peau d’zob. Les rescapés du néo découvrent la mélodie, THURSDAY, les arpèges et ENVY. Forcément, ça donne des idées. Pas toujours les meilleures, d’ailleurs. Attention, MY ONLY SCENERY joue extrêmement bien avec les codes de ses nouveaux genres musicaux préférés (emo + post-rock, ben ouais fini le néo), enchaînant montées vertigineuses et descentes violentes. C’est malheureusement (pour eux comme pour moi) juste chiant comme la mort. Entre les breaks ou intros entendus des milliers de fois et le chant clair faux (ça n’a pas le même charme que chez les Kinsella), je trouve plus de mal à en dire que de bien. Pas de leur faute s’ils arrivent trois ans après la guerre, remarque. Peut-être qu’avec d’autres influences, un peu plus d’expérience, ça pourra déboucher sur quelque chose plus à mon goût. En même temps, tout le monde s’en fout, c’est pas cette chronique qui changera la face du monde. (DIY) www.myspace.com/myonlyscenery


Si je chie dans ma guitare et que je la branche sur mon Laney VH100R, j’aurais peut-être le même son. (Enemies List) www.myspace.com/nahvalr


Le vautour a perdu en chair depuis son précédent méfait. Les Ricains ne sont plus que trois. Ca sonne moins FALL OF THE BASTARDS du coup, c’est plus minimaliste, cru et punk. J’aime bien, on revient à l’essentiel. VENOM, BATHORY, POSSESSED, CELTIC FROST, tu commences à connaître. La couvrante est belle. Très belle, même. Preuve que la classe en noir et blanc a encore de beaux jours devant elle. (Aborted Society) www.abortedsociety.com


Les journalistes rock se prennent souvent au sérieux. Un fond de culture, quelques disques promos et des entrées gratuites à tous les concerts de merde suffisent pour choper un bon gros melon. Toi, petit connard de province avec ton blog tout pourri, t’as surtout pas intérêt à la ramener, au risque de te faire rabaisser jusqu’au trente-deuxième sous-sol. Forcément, je n’étais pas d’accord avec toutes les chroniques que j’ai pu lire dans la presse rock française de ce dernier OXFORD COLLAPSE en date. Comme j’aime bien faire le malin, je l’ai fait savoir par mail aux intéressés. A chaque fois, je me suis fait immanquablement remballer. Marrant. Les types manquent justement de ce fond de culture dont je parlais plus haut pour apprécier ce Bits à sa juste valeur. Un disque qui me ramène à mes années pop émotive et superslacker, à PIEBALD, WEEZER et PAVEMENT. Un disque qui est passé inaperçu, submergé qu’il était par le flot de sorties electrorock merdiques et expérimentalomesburnes. Note pour les Lorrains : ils vont jouer gratuitement le vendredi 13 février à l’Emile Vache à Metz, alors sortez vos machettes et venez tailler le bout de gras. (Sub Pop) www.subpop.com

Failure American Style CD

Classe absolue. Scott Mc Cloud, rescapé de GIRLS AGAINST BOYS et NEW WET KOJAK, revient sur le devant de la scène indie whatever avec PARAMOUNT STYLES. Ou comment se réinventer en onze titres tous plus magistraux les uns que les autres. Un secret ? Malgré les excès et tout ce qu’on pourra en dire, le rock ça conserve. La preuve. Failure American Style est un petit disque simple comme bonjour. Bête comme tout. Génial par essence. Indispensable. Un classique en devenir dès la première écoute. Guitares spectrales, piano magique, acoustique impeccable. Et cette voix bourbonnée, profonde et brûlante, qui ferait tomber enceinte n’importe quelle vierge effarouchée sur le champ. Quatre chef d’œuvres à extraire de ce magma bouillonnant : All Eyes Are On You Now My Pet (tube imparable en ouverture), Race You Til Tomorrow, Come To New York (ok, j’arrive) et I Keep Losing You. Plus généralement, tout l’album en boucle. FAVORI Style. (Cycle) www.myspace.com/paramountstylesnyc

Linear Lullabies CD

Trente-deux pistes au compteur. Faut en vouloir pour se les enfiler d’une traite. Les berceuses linéaires de Paul Russell se veulent le point de chute entre breakcore ravageur (les rythmiques qui s’emballent et qu’on n’arrête pas) et electronica candide (les mélodies enfantines). Pari réussi la plupart du temps. C’est juste con parfois d’arrêter ses morceaux en plein milieu, quand ceux-ci commencent à devenir intéressants (Db War, par exemple). Mais bon, c’est peut-être le style qui veut ça. J’en sais rien, en fait. (Hollow Soul) www.myspace.com/projectserendipity

SEX/VID Communal Living 12’

Long format après une poignée de courts. ‘fin long, un peu plus d’un quart d’heure. C’est déjà pas mal. Hardcore sauvage, haineux, bruyant et bruitiste, tout ce que le punk de forum aime depuis six mois. SEX/VID prochainement signé chez Bridge 9. M’enfin, au moins on a réussi à se sortir du revival CRO MAGS. Et pendant ce temps-là, CRIME DESIRE sort des disques dont le monde se fout éperdument. Mais le monde c’est de la merde. Ouais. Il a des goûts de chiottes. Monde de merde. Bref, l’affiliation à ORCHID ne m’avait pas sauté aux yeux jusqu’à ce que Phil m’en parle. Ouais, y’a de ça. La violence, la saleté et l’intensité associées à cette science du chaos que seuls les rois incontestés du screamoemoviolenceaarrrggghh étaient capables de maîtriser correctement. Comme disait le vieux sage dans une chronique d’un ancien numéro de Burn Out, à propos de je ne sais plus quel disque : « Il pleut des hangars ». Ouais, c’est à peu près ça. (Dom America) www.burnoutzine.net

UGLY STICK Still Glistening LP

Les spécialistes appellent ça du cow-punk. En gros, du punk un peu laid-back, bluesy et rustaud, se laissant parfois aller à des délires country folk ou psyché 60’s, comme c’est le cas avec ce groupe de comiques troupiers. Putain merde, il est d’ailleurs vachement bon, ce groupe. Bon, encore faille-t-il être un minimum cultivé ET ouvert d’esprit aux mélanges intercommunautaires rock’n’roll pour apprécier la musique faussement ringarde et molle (je me met dans la peau de quelqu’un qui aime pas, là) du trio. Mais comme tel est ton cas, je ne me fais aucun souci pour toi ! Bref, ce Still Glistening s’est doucement fait sa place sur ma platine sans que je m’en rende compte, bien calé entre un FUNKADELIC et un DEEP PURPLE. FAVORI, quoi. (Hovercraft) www.hovercraftpdx.com

V/A Brazilian Evil Legions Attack LP

Bon ok, j’ai imaginé les types de ces quatre groupes, qui posent comme des Norvégiens à l’arrière de la pochette, torse nus en train de jouer au foot sur une plage de Copa Cabana. Argh. Tout de suite, le folklore evilistique en prend un coup. Bon, à bien y regarder, le second degré de cette imagerie est également flagrant, alors concentrons-nous plutôt sur la musique. GOAT VENGEANCE démastique deux morceaux furieux et bordéliques, les cymbales explosent de partout, tu comprends rien mais c’est ultra jouissif. Le chanteur frise l’arrêt cardiaque. PILLARS OF EMPIRE récite son petit MARDUK/DARK FUNERAL illustré avec brio puis s’évade dans des délires plus BURZUMesques. Approche non dénuée d’intérêt. Face B, AQUERONTE joue trash nawak meets black de foire, c’est marrant mais ça me fatigue vite. SHEITAN, absolument dans le même délire. Plat et sans saveur, le jour et la nuit avec la première face. Le label soutient le satanisme, le nihilisme et le terrorisme partout dans le monde. Ca méritait d’être dit. (Demon’s Pride) demonsprideprod@hotmail.com

121 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Le vieux singe regrette l'absence délibérée de format 7" ! ;o))

el gep a dit…

Toujours un plaisir de lire ces chroniques décontractées. Vas en paix, marsouin de Dall.

Revan a dit…

Tu m'as piqué la chronique du Goat!

Je vais être obligé d'en mettre une d'Estelle à la place.

(Back from the dead baby)

j'aime toujours autant ta maîtrise du français, pas évident pour un allemand.

je t'aime.

Anonyme a dit…

Alors comme ça tu bronches les mecs de Noise par mail? Y a du boulot vu le nombres de chroniques à chier :)

Sinon le Marie Salope j'avais pas mal apprécié...pourtant je déteste les Didier, qu'ils soient Wampas ou Super.

buddy satan a dit…

Phil : ma copine est en train de m'éduquer dans ce sens.

Guillaume : bien reçu ta K7.

Revan : moi aussi je t'aime. Je t'aimerais encore plus si tu m'annonçais que Shystie sortait un nouvel album.

Seb : c'est pas moi qui aie commencé !

el gep a dit…

Merci pour l'accusation de réception, Buddy. J'attendrai tes derniers six mois d'papier en lisant Walking Dead à la place dans mes chiottes.

Anonyme a dit…

"le groupe à la mode qui a inspiré ah kraken" arh arh, mais où s'arrêtera tout ça?

buddy satan a dit…

Jusqu'à ce que j'arrête de jouer aux mauvaises langues ;-)

el gep a dit…

Toujours pas de numéro 4 dans ma boîte. Bouh... Tristesse.

Anonyme a dit…

Pour se permettre de se foutre de Crime Desire, encore faut il les connaître...Ce que je vais essayer de faire dès que possible!

Anonyme a dit…

c'est le meilleur commentaire que j'ai pu lire sur les marie salope !! putain c'est bon !
beb des LMS... ;o)

Anonyme a dit…

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Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

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Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

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Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

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Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't believe that wish prescription medication is ok that you might here make, it is not dangerous on your fare clic hamster very. A lot medical treatments home manufactured for men are generally unsafe so that you can ecco pets, which includes acetaminophen containing medicines and consequently discomfort. Check utilizing your veterinarian prior to when you supply your cat with nearly anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

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Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

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Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

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Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

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Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

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Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

Anonyme a dit…

Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

Anonyme a dit…

Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

Anonyme a dit…

Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

Anonyme a dit…

Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

Anonyme a dit…

Store your dog healthful and in addition non-finicky with you could have any kind of diverse home weight loss program. Generally order a few different trademarks for nutrients and consequently switch consumers. Like this, your current pussy-cat could be helpful to experimenting with combined with there getting the latest fare clic personal preferences. If any dishes logo is out there of business, you will definitely essential lots of other good options to have.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Maintain the pussy-cat healthy and well balanced together with non-finicky merely by presenting a good a variety of ecco daily diet. Continuously spend money on a number of names to do with meal plus rotate these. Like this, your entire lion can be at one point would testing along with giochi realising modern fare clic will taste. Go with meal type quickly scans the blogosphere giochi of economic, you are able to always have other approved choices to supply.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Remember to possess a good family pet bottle or else click bag suitable for delivering your actual cats and kittens from any spot to ecco the 2nd. The proper wireless carrier and even there shopping cart have to have ample site that they can publish here here in freely. It needs to often be quite easy to fresh. Double check that it really is layered by having a umbrella, pillow case, and / or hand towel in order to that stick happy and cozy in their mind while traveling.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

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Do not believe that just because a site prescription drugs so that you homepage obtain, that it is secure on your homepage kitten as a result. Some prescribed medicines click suitable for man have proven to be critical if you want to fare clic kittens, most notably acetaminophen made from detrimental drugs and also pain killers. Check regarding your animal medical practitioner as you give your cat every little thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

Anonyme a dit…

Really don't imagine that because a drugs is ok in order to there choose, that it can be dependable for use on your giochi moggy simultaneously. Countless medications giochi generated for humankind actually are toxic to actually home as well as, most notably acetaminophen comprising medications and additionally pain killers. Make sure on your vet prior to a give your cat one thing.

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Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Make sure to have a very good puppy company as well as giochi bag to offering ones own cats and kittens from a place to fare clic the second. A proper service as well as home bag must have more than enough site in order to finish giochi with conveniently. Select one often be not hard to spotless. Make sure that it will be provided using blanket, pillow wedge, or perhaps bathroom towel to assist you to it all keep relaxing and comfortable for the kids when traveling.

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You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

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You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

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You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

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You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

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You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

You should never imagine that wish medication is o . k . that you can homepage just take, that it's not dangerous on your home ferret at the same. A great many medicines here devised for live people are unquestionably unsafe to homepage pussies, along the lines of acetaminophen incorporating harmful drugs and then aspirin. Check utilizing your vet when you give your cat just about anything.

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I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

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I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

I highly recommend you have a good family pet reservoir or sometimes giochi basket suitable for holding ones own animals derived from one location to here your following. An accurate supplier or possibly there baskets need to have an adequate amount area to be able to finish gioco into steadly. It is going to often be simple tidy. Guantee that it will be lined using blanket, cushion, alternatively bathroom towel to the following stay confident and cozy the particular when traveling.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

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Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

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Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.

Anonyme a dit…

Please don't think that simply because a prescription medication is just fine that you could gioco use, that it can be safer to use in your giochi feline at the same time. Loads of pills home laptop computers men and women usually are lethal to assist you to click as well as, along the lines of acetaminophen formulated with substances coupled with aspirin. Make sure utilizing your doctor as you give your cat just about anything.